
Multi-dimensional Evaluation

for Influence and Transformation

The program committee was delighted to receive numerous proposals for panels and roundtables for this 2025 Conference in Rome. The diversity and quality of the contributions reflect the commitment of the evaluation community to contemporary challenges. 

A total of 36 proposals were selected for presentation at this conference. They will give rise to rich and constructive exchanges between participants from diverse backgrounds. We are convinced that these panels and roundtables will provide many opportunities to share experiences, compare perspectives and enrich professional practices in evaluation.

You will find a summary of the different sessions in the second part of this page (scroll or click here).

IDEAS/NDB-IEO 2025 Conference  - Day 1

Wednesday, March 5th, 2025

7:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:45

Opening Ceremony

Green room (A122)

Moderators : Ms. Ada Ocampo, President, IDEAS, Mr. Ashwani K. Muthoo, Director-General, Independant Evaluation Office, New Development Bank and Mr. Manas Puri, Senior Professional, IEO, New Development Bank

9:45 - 11:15

Multi-dimensional evaluation for influence and transformation: Perspectives and Challenges

Green room (A122) / Keynote panel

Moderator: Mr. Peter E. Wichmand, IDEAS Board member

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break & Networking

11:45 - 13:15

Parliamentarian Perspectives: What Are the Needs and Why Does it Matter?

Green room (A122) / Session 1 / Strand5

Moderator: Ms. Anca Dumitrescu, Lead Evaluation Specialist, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

From Evidence to Action: How Can Evaluators Effectively Contribute to Transformational Change for Climate Action

Philippines room (C277) / Session 2 / Strand 2

Evaluating Gender, Human Rights and Equity for Transformative Outcomes: Role of Collaborations, Partnerships and Learning Spaces for Young Evaluators

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 3 / Strand 4

Country-Led Evaluations of the SDGs: Urgent Call for Action to the Evaluation Community and the Launch of a Guidebook

Malaysia room (B227) / Session 4 / Strand 1

Opening Remarks

Ethiopia room (C289) / Strand 6

BRICS Panel - Evaluations for Sustainable Development: Insights from BRICS on Diverse Contexts and Shared Goals

Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 5 / Strand 6

Moderator: Mr. Luciano Lavizzari, Former IFAD Director, Independent Office of Evaluation and former Ambassador of Switzerland to Southern Africa

13:15 - 14:15 


Special session with Mr. Michael Quinn Patton and  Ms. Charmagne Campbell-Patton : Using the Earth Declaration on Evaluation at the Nexus to Support Transformational Change

Green room (A122)

Moderator: Ms. Sajida H. Shroff, IDEAS Board member

14:15 - 15:40

Connecting the Dots: Evaluation for Transformational Climate Action Across Four Major Climate Funds

Green Room (A122) / Session 6 / Strand 2

Climate Finance and Development: Are Funds Reaching the Right Places and Driving Transformational Change?

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 7 / Strand 2

Moderator: Kevin Moull, Evaluator, German Institute for Development EvaluationDEval (DEval)

Breaking boundaries in evaluation: the power of CoPs and Networks

Malaysia room (B227) / Session 8 / Strand 5

Moderator: Mr. Innocent Chamisa, Facilitator, EvalFoward and EvalforEarth and and Ms. Renata Mirulla Earth-Eval Coordinator, GEF-IEO

Synthesis – More Than the Sum Of Its Parts: Enhancing Use Of Evidence To Accelerate Action and Progress Toward the SDGS

Philippines room (C277) / Session 9 / Strand 1

EBRD Panel - Driving transformational change: Leveraging Evaluation and Partnerships for Private Sector Impact.

Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 10 / Strand 6

Moderator: Ms. Simona Somma, Evaluation Manager and Coordinator of the Evaluation Knowledge Management Unit, IEvD, EBRD

15:40 - 17:00

Partnership for Championing Youth in Evaluation

Green room (A122) / Session 11 / Strand 5

Feminist Evaluation: Practical Applications

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 13 / Strand 4

Moderator: Dr. Rashmi Agrawal, Board member, Evaluation Community of India

The Role of Development Partners in Supporting National Evaluation Capabilities: National Budget Process as Entry Points

Malaysia room (B227) / Session 14 / Strand 1

AIIB Panel - Evaluation of development projects in the Global South: How to tailor evaluation approaches and processes to the unique challenges and opportunities in BRICS and other EMDCs?

Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 15 / Strand 6

Moderator: Mr. Gabriele Fattorelli, Director, Independant Evaluation Department, EBRD

17:00 - 17:30

Lecture "Evaluation, Innovation and Development" by Professor Michael Robert Kremer, University of Chicago and Economics Nobel Prize Winner (2019)

Moderator: Mr. Ashwani K. Muthoo, Director General, Independent Evaluation Office, New Development Bank

Green room (A122) / Online

17:30 - 18:00


18:00 - 19:30

Joint Reception hosted by RBA, GEF, IDEAS, NDB-IEO, and EvalForEarth Launch Event

Fountain Lounge on the 8th Floor

IDEAS/NDB-IEO 2025 Conference  - Day 2

Thursday, March 6th, 2025

8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 10:15

Collaborative Evaluation Strategies:  Engaging Stakeholders for Transformational Change

Green room (A122) / Keynote Panel

Moderator: Mr. Manas Puri, Senior Professional, IEO, New Development Bank

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee break & Networking

10:30 - 12:00

Utilizing Advanced Technologies for Evaluating Sustainable Development Goals

 Green room (A122) / Session 16 / Strand 1

Moderator: Mr. Fabrizio Felloni, Chief Evaluation Officer - Deputy Director of the IEO, GEF

Evaluation and Learning in the Context of Climate Change: An Invitation to Action

 Philippines room (C277) / Session 17 / Strand 2

Diversity of NEPS in the Asia-Pacific Region: Country Perspectives

 Nigeria room (C283) / Session 18 / Strand 3

Moderator: Mr. Khalil Bitar, President, IOCE

Using Evaluation to Build a Regenerative Future

 Malaysia room (B227) / Session 19 / Strand 2

Opening Remarks

Ethiopia room (C289) / Strand 6

NDB-IFAD Panel - Driving Development Impact: The Role of Enabling Environments for Evaluation

Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 20 / Strand 6

Moderator: Mr. Luciano Lavizzari, Former IFAD Director, Independant Office of Evaluation and former Ambassador of Switzerland to Southern Africa

12:00 - 13:15

Utilizing Evaluation Findings: Advancing Gender Equality, Human Rights, and Equity Through Evidence-Based Program Action

Green room (A122) / Session 21 / Strand 4

Supporting National Evaluation Networks: Experiences and Approaches from Regional Evaluation Associations in Latin America & Caribbean, Africa, and Asia

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 23 / Strand 3

Moderator: Ms. Ada Ocampo, President, IDEAS

From conservationism to multi-benefit approaches: evaluating community-focused natural resource protection programmes

Philippines room (C277) / Session 24 / Strand 2

The case for assessing evaluability: Building capacities for transformative M&E practice

 Malaysia room (B227) / Session 36 / Strand 5

IsDB Panel - Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in LDCs: Challenges and Opportunities

 Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 25 / Strand 6

Moderator: Ms. Stefania Lenoci, Head of Office, Special Representative for Southern Europe, the Vatican, and RBAs, World Bank Group

13:15 - 14:15


IDEAS AGM (IDEAS members only)

Green room (A122)

14:15 - 15:45

Reimagining Evaluation for the Transformational Imperative

 Green room (A122) / Session 26 / Strand 2

Evaluation Capacity Development: Bridging Innovative Ideas for Effective Action

Philippines room (C277) / Session 27 / Strand 5

Moderator: Mr. Rashmi Agrawal, Founding member, Evaluation Community of India

What’s the Value of Equity? Lessons from the Global Challenges Research Fund on Evidence for the Value of Transformative Practice

Malaysia room (B227) / Session 28 / Strand 3

Strengthening Evaluation in Diverse Realities: Needs, Opportunities, and Sustainability

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 29 / Strand 3

Becoming Catalysts: Young and Emerging Evaluators as Agents of Change in Evaluation Practices in Africa

 Cuba room (B224) / Session 22 / Strand 3

Moderator: Mr. Serge Eric Djiam Yakeu, IDEAS board member

15:45 - 17:15

Exploring the Emerging Sustainability Revolution

Green room (A122) / Session 31 / Strand 2

Moderator: Mr. Frederic Martin, President, Institute COMPASS, IDEAS member

System Thinking Approaches towards Transformational Change: Assessing the Nexus between Crisis, Climate, and Environment

Malaysia room (B227) / Session 32 / Strand 2

Moderator: Mr. Massiel Jiménez, Evaluation Analyst, IFAD’s Independent Office of Evaluation

Building Depth in Evaluation Education: Preparing Professionals for Complexity and Change

Philippines room (C277) / Session 33 / Strand 5

Transforming Evaluation Practices: A Paradigm Shift Towards Decolonised and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Principles Based Evaluation

Nigeria room (C283) / Session 34 / Strand 4

Regional Perspectives on the Professionalization of Evaluation

Cuba room (B224) / Session 35 / Strand 5

M&E in Emerging Economies: Enabling South-South Knowledge Exchange through Case Studies within BRICS

Ethiopia room (C289) / Session 30 / Strand 6

Moderator: Mr. Henrique Pissaia, Principal Professional, NDB

17:15 - 18:00

EvalTorch Ceremony

Green room (A122)

Closing Ceremony

Green room (A122)

Summary of the different sessions

IDEAS NDB-IEO_C2025_Abstracts